
Linda Brandon – 2st

Linda Brandon – 2st

Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes plus the side effects from the medication prescribed to manage her blood sugars, such as, waking every morning feeling like she had a hangover, no energy and bowels issues, motivated Linda to look for an alternative way to manage her condition.

On Linda’s first appointment Dr Eva took some blood tests and recommended that she stop all diabetic medication as she was staring on the Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet.

“It was fantastic to come off the medication due to the side effects I experienced when taking it. I’ve lost 2 stone in weight and feel absolutely fantastic.”

I have a lot more energy, can do a lot more walking and am so much happier now than I was before as I don’t’ feel sluggish anymore. Now when I look back I think it is the best thing I’ve done, coming to Dr Eva, to understand the way food reacts within my body and I think that if there was more information out there as to what exactly we should be eating at a younger age, especially for children and teenagers, it might stop a lot of diabetes in the future.”

About Us
Dr. Eva Orsmond (MD, MPH)