Lose Excess Weight
Recover From Type 2 Diabetes
Eat Healthy Tasty Meals
Be Supported by Dr. Eva
Learn About Healthy Eating
The first step towards losing weight is recognising the need for change.
A bad diet, bad habits, and not having the proper nutritional support in your life can lead to obesity and weight gain. Big food companies don’t help by producing lots of low fibre, high sugar products.
We Can Help You
Dr. Eva’s Clinics is Ireland’s only medically supervised weight loss and diabetes clinics run by Operations Transformation’s Dr. Eva Orsmond, MD, MPH. Dr. Eva has been helping Irish people lose weight and gain health for over 25 years.

About Dr. Eva
Dr. Eva is famous as the expert medical doctor on RTE’s Operation Transformation and is the author of four books.
She now works with several qualified nutritionists and runs clinics across Ireland as well as her many appearances in print, on radio, and on television.
Need proof? Look at our recent success stories.
We Did It, So Can You!
Working with us you will be the healthiest and fittest you have been in a long time. You will lose excess weight, potentially stop the onset of or reverse type 2 diabetes, and be able to live a fuller and happier lifestyle.
Start Now
Have you admitted to yourself that you need to change your lifestyle? If you want to be healthy then you need to come to a consultation with us today.
We are almost fully subscribed right now so please don’t delay. Dr Eva guarantees that you will get the support and knowledge you need to reach your ideal healthy weight. We will supply you with advice, personalised nutrition plans, meals, and support.

Dream the Change
If you don’t do this, today ask yourself what will be different tomorrow? The answer is nothing. You have the solution, take it.
Dr. Eva is respected and famous for a good reason. If you want to lose weight and be healthy today is the day to take that first step.